Pioneer Works: Revitalizing the Roofscape

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This design focuses on creating a sustainable social space on the rooftop of the central core of the existing Pioneer Works building. While the roof is planned to accommodate solar panels, the design concept of the roofscape is to have tiered levels of inhabitable space in order to maximize the full range of viewing angles for seasonal events that take place on Pioneer Street and in front of the Atlantic Basin terminal. The slatted design lends itself to a prefabricated style of production and assembly that can be created and transported through the core to minimize installation costs.

On the lower tier, there are stationary stools and counter space for everyday use as a lunch spot for employees. The middle tier features a bar and an outdoor fireplace in the original smoke tower. This tier would be utilized for small group celebrations by the employees or perhaps just Summer Friday drinks. The top tier, which exists on the top of the central core, has an illuminated high top table, and the translucent lower section of the table allows for light to travel down into the central fire stair corridor.